The Steering Committee (SC) is a-member non-legal entity structure within the Action “EU4Moldova: Startup City Cahul”.
The primarily purpose of the Steering Committee is to enable efficient exchange of information on technical and policy related strategic issues relevant to the Action, that in turn will guide the implementation of the activities.
The main objective pursued by the Steering Committee is to ensure the efficiency and quality in the project implementation. The SC will have the following responsibilities:
- Follow-up on the interim reports about activities undertaken within the project;
- Follow-up on the interim reports about the communication and visibility campaigns undertaken, and the means of communication used to promote the project;
- Approve the annual activity report and the annual action plan;
- Follow the progress of the Action, review interim results and findings of the monitoring system (Workplans, Logical Framework, budget), the evaluation or the financial audits against identified objectives and results;
- Discuss strategic technical and thematic issues and recommend actions to any upcoming challenges as well as proposes ideas that would lead to improved implementation of the project;
- Consider information and viewpoints from the Advisory Board;
- Provide guidance and support to the implementation of the Action;
- Recommend actions to any upcoming problems;
- Provide support in resolving strategic policy issues, assist in reviewing and commenting on progress reports and assist in regularly review the intervention strategy;
- In case there is need for any adjustments, the project team will bring this to the attention of the Steering Committee in accordance with the Grant Agreement between ATIC and Sweden and the general conditions of the Contribution Agreement between Sida and EU Delegation.
The decisions of the Steering Committee are taken by the vote of the simple majority present at the meeting.
Nominal Composition of the Steering Committee
Permanent members

Gintautas Baranauskas
Deputy Head of Operations

Karin Borovic
Head of Development Cooperation

Nicolae Dandiş
Mayor of Cahul Municipality

Stella Bădin
Deputy Mayor of Cahul Municipality

Sergiu Cornea
Rector of Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu State University (USCH)

Ana Chirița
Strategic Projects Director

Irina Oriol
Deputy Project Coordinator

Invited on ad-hoc basis
- Ministry of Regional development
- Ministry of Finance, Working Group on regional projects
- Other institutions or organisations relevant to the project